My sister Robin took me on a little hike to one of Colorado's 14,000 foot peaks, Torrey's Peak. Just for fun, she decided we would take the "slightly" more challenging route- known as Kelso Ridge- instead of the plain old trail that everyone else was, and would be later that day, taking. It's an ascent of about 2000 feet in a little over three miles. According to what she read in preparation, the 'vast majority' of the 'hike' would be Class 2, that is, walking, with a little bit of Class 3, which requires the use of one's hands. Allegedly, this route is no more difficult than Class 3, which means if you encounter Class 4- feet, hands, fingers, toes, and exposure (meaning don't look down or behind you), there is supposedly a way around it. If there was a way around the Class 4 on this route, we couldn't see it. By the time we encountered the exciting stuff, we were committed. I remember thinking to myself as I was clinging to a rock face with my toes and fingertips, "The only way out of this now is up", which turned out to be correct.
5 years ago
I was born in Colorado. It's a beautiful place and those are some gorgeous pics!
Glad to see you've joined the blogsphere! :-)
In a couple of the pix, the ones where you're clinging to the side of the cliff, you don't look so happy.
Also, do you really want to limit comments to folks registred with google?
I think the look was more of being very focused on not making a misstep. People often mistake my 'focused' look as unhappy. I was actually fairly exhilarated at that point, with the combination of adrenaline and hypoxia....
I have changed the comments to allow anyone, thanks for the tip.
Thanks for turning on the Name/URL commenting option! I feel more like myself now :-)
I hope when you were climbing up there you recalled the words of Thomas the Tank.
Anonymous is Hannah. Just so you Mountain Climber.
Which words would those be?
Hi Geoff,
This is Deb from Anchorage, do you remember me? I would love to hear from you. Lets catch up!
Deb, I just noticed this comment today. There isn't a way to contact you through blogger that I can tell- your profile isn't public. I also have a facebook page where you can contact me- I'd love to catch up also!
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